February 4, 2023
It's World Cancer Day. I hope that means nothing to you personally.
When I had my cancer, I bought 200 silicone bracelets that said "Faith Hope and Love" in peach for my endometrial cancer color so everyone who was 'with me' on my journey would remember to pray for me. Then I asked them all to take a picture of them wearing it so I could create a collage to inspire and encourage me. (I still haven't done this). The ones I've posted are among my favorites. I got funny ones, super silly ones, pets wearing them ones, and some really powerful ones. I still look at those pictures and the family one was framed and given to me. I see it everyday.
After my cancer was gone, I got a peach ribbon tattoo with the words "Faith Hope and Love" in it. I put it on my forearm and had it done so I could read it. My tattoo artist said that it should for sure go the other way. I assured him it should not. Those words are for ME.
In 1 Corinthians, Paul describes various spiritual gifts and ways we can demonstrate Godly living in the world. He touches on the gift of tongues, prophecy with understanding, and faith that could move mountains. Yet somehow, he passes all of these things for just one thing: Love. In 1 Corinthians 13:13 he says, “Three things will last forever: faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.”
I read a description of this verse that said these are the choicest graces. The CHOICEST!!
If you know someone with cancer. If you have cancer. If you lost someone to cancer. If you healed from cancer. You have my heart. I'm sorry this has touched your life. There is is hope. Faith will take you through the storm. Love will be the lasting gift.
Contact me with any questions or to schedule an introductory meeting. Remember, the first meeting is free!